Consolation Quarterfinals

Kyle has secured placement in the 2008 OHSAA Div III wrestling tournament, how he wrestles his next few matches will determine what place he gets. 

Kyle will next be wrestling against Bryan Skoff, who earlier in the tournament lost to Derrick Yant from Delta, a guy that has beat Kyle twice this season.  Skoff defeated Kyle in last year’s state tournament 6-1, we will see if Kyle can get his revenge.

Kyle Kwiat vs Bryan Skoff

O.K. so I had a lapful of nachos when I sat down and Kyle’s match came up.
I failed you all on the live update aspect, but on the bright side, Kyle beat Skoff 8-4

That means Kyle will finish in the Top 6 again this season, his next match is against the defending State Champion Steve Wilson from Marion Pleasant, who lost a very close match in the championship semifinals.

That should be around 10am, and that will be followed by the final consolation round starting around 11am.

One Response to Consolation Quarterfinals

  1. senecamom says:

    Were the nachos good? 🙂

    Even though it wasn’t a live update we still appreciate the posting!

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